You need to be SMART to GROW GROWTH Targets - a new model for objective setting? In the world of coaching the GROW model (often attributed to Whitmore) is often used by practitioners to replace SMART objectives. They often cite “SMART” as being “over used” or that people are bored with it and need something freshEven Whitmore uses a traditional version of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic & Time phased) as the criteria for goal setting in the GROW coaching … [Read more...] about You need to be SMART to GROW
Thank you Feedspot, Top OD blog of 2023
2023 has been a year and a half for many of us. But yesterday, I was delighted to discover that my little blog has been listed in the top 20 blogs for OD.According to their site, the list is "The best Organizational Development blogs from thousands of blogs on the web and ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness." wow, what an honour.Better than that, we are number 1 out of 190+Here are the top 10, and you will find some great blogs to follow: … [Read more...] about Thank you Feedspot, Top OD blog of 2023
9 Signs Your HR Manager is Bad
Signs of an Ineffective HR Manager This morning I came across an article with an unusual angle on HR at bnet – it is called "9 signs your hr manager is terrible" compiled by Suzanne Lucas.This would be an interesting article to read if it were not for the “clipart photo gallery” style of this piece. Here I have taken some of the key points and raised some of the factors they raise. I'm not sure that many HR managers would disagree with many of these statements, however if we … [Read more...] about 9 Signs Your HR Manager is Bad
Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
Talent Management - Easy today... pain tomorrow Most of us agree that the success of any organization is down to the quality of its people. So why do we fail to realise that talent management is not just about the “top 50” people, but those with the potential to be in the top 50 at some point in the future, as well as talent that will enable our organization to be competitive in a sustainable way. Talent is NOT just about tomorrow’s leaders, it is about next week’s skills and next months … [Read more...] about Talent Management – how to shoot yourself in the foot in the future!
HR & Recruitment – what are the real rules of the game? – finding talent
Do we really tell people what we are measuring them against? When an organization is looking to recruit new talent (or people in normal business language), do you think they are looking for people with the skills they need or are they looking to see if potential employees can guess the rules of the game you are trying to get them to play?When asking or expecting someone to play football, golf or tennis you would think you begin by explaining the basic rules of the game to give them a fair … [Read more...] about HR & Recruitment – what are the real rules of the game? – finding talent
The #1 reason coaching fails to contribute to the bottom line
Why coaching fails more than it succeeds Over the last couple of weeks I have been increasingly aware of the fact that coaching is seen as a panacea for people development, and yet each article I read seems to say very different things. Then last week I received some feedback on our "ready to use coaching training pack" (Manager as a coach) from a purchaser. Judging by the time to purchase to complaint they could not have read the materials however, feedback is feedback.Let’s start here, … [Read more...] about The #1 reason coaching fails to contribute to the bottom line
Are competence based interviews missing the best candidates
Are competence based interviews missing the best candidates Is the drive for consistency and 'fairness' leading employers that use competence based interviews, missing the best candidates. Talking to an old friend today I had an interesting insight into the effectiveness of competency based interviews.The individual concerned is going for a mid level management post with a major international retailer as a duty shift manager. This is a significant drop in responsibility from what she has … [Read more...] about Are competence based interviews missing the best candidates
Business Diagnostic Models
Business Diagnostic Models There are many business diagnostic models available but are they all the same? DAVID LEYSERMAN said:A business diagnostic can refer to an activity or a tool used to carry out the activity and of course there are different tools for different jobs. Some diagnostic tools are quick and dirty questionnaires while others are elaborate exercises with scientifically validated outcomes. Diagnostics range from a general business health check through to drilling down into … [Read more...] about Business Diagnostic Models
Checking professional membership or accredited user status
Accreditation buttons - who are you? Is the person why they really say they are? - protecting your IP & reputation - "accreditation buttons" Recently I have been thinking about using of the logos of the professional bodies I belong to on this and other sites - but then many do not want their IP used (ie their Logo) as it may be seen as an endorsement. At the same time I want to be able to use this as a differentiation. How could this be a win/win?This got me thinking … [Read more...] about Checking professional membership or accredited user status
People don’t care about NLP, TA, and other tools and methods – why do we get so besotted by them?
Is it the method or the result that is important? Having watched a professional discussion about the pro's and con's of NLP and other psychology based tools for HR, OD and people development (training & coaching) activities, it got me thinking... Call the plumber we have a problem... Remember when you phone for a plumber you want that person to install a shower or stop a leak... you don't want to hire or contract on the name or brand of the tools they use... does it matter what type of … [Read more...] about People don’t care about NLP, TA, and other tools and methods – why do we get so besotted by them?
Micro-learning accelerated learning made practical?
Micro learning and bite sized brain friendly learning Driven partly by budgets and managers demands to have staff away from "the day job" as little as possible, micro or bite size learning solutions have gained popularity in recent years. Go back 20 years and a 5 day course was the order of the day, then 3 days.. 2 days.. 1 day and then into one hour sessions. Now we are in the age of micro-learning. Learning solutions that often take just seconds to achieve, that can be chained into … [Read more...] about Micro-learning accelerated learning made practical?
Technology for learning –phones & tablets – touch or keyboard
In the last couple of week I have taken ownership of a shiny new mobile phone. In the last few years I have used my trusty Nokia E75. A small phone with a large slide out keyboard. The battery life was enough for me to last a whole day at a conference blogging or tweeting, and this with relatively fast typing and few errors. But alas it's time to move on.I wanted to go android as I thought this would be a sensible way forward, and I really wanted a phone with a slide out keyboard. … [Read more...] about Technology for learning –phones & tablets – touch or keyboard
A high performing individual does not make a good manager/ team leader
How does your company select its' supervisors, team leaders or managers? More often than not, the "best" technical person in the department is selected to both aid their retention and to solve a "gap" in the organization. This is fine in theory - but in practice will fail more than it succeeds.The skills and attitudes required to be an effective team leaders or manager are very different from being technically competent. Indeed one may argue that know HOW to do the job may be a disadvantage … [Read more...] about A high performing individual does not make a good manager/ team leader
How to use Twitter for great customer service
Social Media & Customer Service Over the past few months I have been (un)fortunate enough to have experienced some very poor customer service in the context of relatively high value purchases. In each case after failing to have the problem acknowledged by the appropriate customer service channel I have put up a direct tweet or two, and the reactions have been curious.From a direct point of view I have had everything from very quick resolution through to being completely ignored. However … [Read more...] about How to use Twitter for great customer service
A time and a place for brainstorming techniques
A time and a place for the brainstorm Brainstorming often gets a bad press, with the popular belief being that it fosters groupthink and generally hinders the creative process. New research shines a new light on the value of brainstorming however, especially a bit later in the creative process when ideas have already been generated.The study, conducted by Nicholas Kohn and colleagues focused on the process of combining ideas that have already been generated. In this context the traditional … [Read more...] about A time and a place for brainstorming techniques
Free Corporate Training Material – worth the investment?
Is the availability of free training materials really a free lunch?One of the increasing trends I have noticed over the last few months are people asking on professional forums, groups and networks for "free corporate training materials". This is in some ways a good thing and in many ways a real worry.Why is this good?For some time now there has been a decline in the amount of training (or learning and development activity) taking place in organizations. This is bad for … [Read more...] about Free Corporate Training Material – worth the investment?
What change & business leaders can learn from athletes
Do Athletes Excel At Everyday Tasks? A coaching opportunity Published earlier this month is a fascinating article on some research looking at the perception skills of those people good at athletic compared with other academics. (View the article ) Who can cross a busy road more effectively, a footballer or a psychology student?The experiment:In a virtual reality environment standing on a treadmill, students found themselves parachuted into an alleyway between two buildings. … [Read more...] about What change & business leaders can learn from athletes
Digital Marketing Strategy for HR Professional Services Providers – what is a digital marketing strategy?
Digital Marketing Strategy - do you have one?What is digital marketing?Many of us use Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and many other web 2.0 tools, but is it activity or is it strategy? Does it matter? Do we need a digital marketing strategy?The difference to me is in the results. It is all very well being seen on the social media sphere, but does it add value to your business? Does it generate more income that you would have without the activity. re you putting the right effort effort … [Read more...] about Digital Marketing Strategy for HR Professional Services Providers – what is a digital marketing strategy?
Change Management Project Template
Change Management TemplatesMany people are looking for a template on which to base their change management project. While the team at RapidBI do not believe that these are successful or complete tools, many people are not sure where to start.Therefore we provide the template below to act as an aid memoir providing the structure of the project at its initial stages.Remember each change management project is different, and managing the process parts of a change project is only the tip … [Read more...] about Change Management Project Template
Supporting Change in Organisations
How do we support change in organizations? How do HR support change and change management in organisations? This is a HUGE subject. As this question is being asked of HR people more and more in the current climate, this is the first of a series of articles looking at not just change management, but the supporting role that HR, OD and training professionals can make.Lets start out by understanding what the phrase "Support organisations going through change". Now by this I am assuming that we … [Read more...] about Supporting Change in Organisations