How to get 1000s of followers on Twitter So just how to get 1000s of followers on Twitter.. quickly? Well maybe you can't - at least not in the way you are expecting or many spammers will have you believe is possible.One of the ways that smaller (and big) business can attract customers is through social media. Twitter for a variety of reasons has become very popular. A short lesson from history about twitter In the past when we wanted to market we needed mailing lists of thousands or … [Read more...] about How to get 1000s of followers on Twitter
Remote Working & Effective Leadership
Remote working and effective leadership Today in London is the third day of underground railway (tube) strikes, and more and more people can and do work from home, thanks to broadband internet and powerful IT solutions. Indeed I am writing this from a café in Wandworth Common as we speak!With more and more people able to remote work, and indeed many firms changing to a remote working culture it is strange that 1980s management practices are reducing employee productivity and … [Read more...] about Remote Working & Effective Leadership
How to Run a Successful Staff Survey
Planning for Employee Satisfaction Surveys Many organisations feel the need to "survey their people" and put some questions together and hope for something useful. Unfortunatly this is where it often goes wrong - not with the intent, but the implementation.Asking questions is easy, asking the right question and interpreting the results is quite another. In this short series of articles we continue our exploration of what it takes to run a successful employee survey.The following outlines … [Read more...] about How to Run a Successful Staff Survey
25 easy tips on employee engagement – morale boosters
25 easy and great tips on building employee engagement - morale boostersIn difficult and tough economic times we still need to engage with our employees. While the big budgets may not be available any more there are lots of things that we can do which are effective. Here we explore low cost 25 great tips on employee engagement.The strategy for boosting employee morale - fast, is based on Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of five basic human needs. He arranged these needs in the shape of a … [Read more...] about 25 easy tips on employee engagement – morale boosters
Creating and maintaining a high performance culture
A High Performance Culture is something many organizations strive to achieve. Many have achieved it in their own unique and distinctive ways. However, certain fundamental common factors need to exist without which a "High Performance Culture" will not be created.In difficult economic time this can be difficult to justify - however now is the time to prepare the organization for the future. Organizational development strategies take time to formulate, develop and deploy - and that is before … [Read more...] about Creating and maintaining a high performance culture
Infographics and facts from #HRSS16 and #RECEX16 Olympia @cleanviz @cipd
Having spend 2 days at Olympia, here is my roundup of facts and mini-infographics that were created and posted on the day.Graphics created by @cleanviz, @cipd @martincouzins or @rapidbiWhere it all began - The West Hall Olympia Not sure who this troublesome 2 are! The @CIPD social media gurus Stocking up ready for the main event! The headline dataThe graphics In no particular order … [Read more...] about Infographics and facts from #HRSS16 and #RECEX16 Olympia @cleanviz @cipd
attendance, absence, presenteeism and big data #cipd15
Just because someone is at their desk, does not mean they are adding value!In Manchester this week is the annual conference of the CIPD, the annual gathering of professionals working in Human Resources (HR). A theme running through several of the sessions this year is the challenge of businesses and organisations to connect, engage and motivate their people.In the past many organisations have put in place systems to manage and reduce absence at work. In fact this very week several … [Read more...] about attendance, absence, presenteeism and big data #cipd15
The Outstanding Organization – Book Review
The Outstanding Organization by Karen Martin, published by McGrawHill.The Outstanding Organization is a 215 page book for anyone involved in the strategic direction and decision making of an organization. The Outstanding Organization is broken into six main sections:Cracks in the foundation Clarity Focus Discipline Engagement Adopting habits that payAs a book, The Outstanding Organization is well researched with a plethora of mini case studies and examples. Linked to … [Read more...] about The Outstanding Organization – Book Review
10 tips for engaging people
Managers engage, so do we as 'community' champions Having a community or network (intranet or social network) is one thing, growing it and building trust is quite another. Engagement of users, be they employees or customers is vital for the strategy to be sustainable and successful. Remember the 90:9:1 rule, our goal must be to beat this.As organizations become more geographically diverse, having the ability to share knowledge, communicate and network is a competitive advantage. Using … [Read more...] about 10 tips for engaging people