Leadership and Management Models Download PowerPoint Slides - page 2 At RapidBI we use many management and leadership models and through the process of using them we have developed a library of 100′s.These pages have proved so popular that we now offer unbranded PowerPoint slides for you to download and use.Please note many of the models on the slides are copyright – please use appropriately. Go back to page 1 of the models [wp_eStore_fancy1 id=1]Deming … [Read more...] about leadership and management models download- page 2
Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory
Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory an exploration of what it is and how to use the theory1. Introduction: In this article, we will explore in a concise manner Howard Gardner's varying approaches to the "Multiple Intelligence Theory" and their relevance to Accelerated Learning Techniques. This article aims to enlighten the readers of its practical utility for which reason it found popular acceptance with the practising educationalists especially those based in the USA. In effect, the … [Read more...] about Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence Theory
The Project Management Triangle – Time, Quality, Cost – you can have any two
The project management triangle as it is sometimes known as a valuable tool for prioritizing and decision making. It is often used as a throwaway tool in training courses. But it is a powerful tool in the hands of a competent leader or professional.You can pick any two, but you can't have all three! An undervalued management tool Most people that have been on a management or project management course at some time have heard of "The Project Management Triangle”. This is sometimes known … [Read more...] about The Project Management Triangle – Time, Quality, Cost – you can have any two
Model and Theory – Urgent Vs Important matrix
A look at urgent vs important in Time Management PrioritisationMultitasking is the order of the day. Everyday we juggle our work assignments, professional commitments, personal life, family needs and health issues. There is always a huge to-do list to attract out attention and obviously we cannot attend to every need that arises. So the things get done only when they become urgent leading to some things not ever happening and some reaching to the point where you can’t take care of … [Read more...] about Model and Theory – Urgent Vs Important matrix
Four levels of learning – Conscious competence
The personal competence model Unconscious Incompetence - We don't know what we don't know Conscious Incompetence - We know what we don't know Conscious Competence - We know what we know Unconscious Competence - We don't know what we knowHow to use the Personal competence awareness model:To communicate with and influence learners it is a prerequisite to prepare them for your ideas and for them to accept the ideas of others (in the group).Preparing them requires you to understand … [Read more...] about Four levels of learning – Conscious competence
Creating and maintaining a high performance culture
A High Performance Culture is something many organizations strive to achieve. Many have achieved it in their own unique and distinctive ways. However, certain fundamental common factors need to exist without which a "High Performance Culture" will not be created.In difficult economic time this can be difficult to justify - however now is the time to prepare the organization for the future. Organizational development strategies take time to formulate, develop and deploy - and that is before … [Read more...] about Creating and maintaining a high performance culture
Ansoff Matrix – product -v- market grid
What is the Ansoff Matrix Product -v- Market grid/ matrix? The Ansoff product matrix is a common model taught in nearly all business and marketing courses. But what is it and how do we use it? Introduction to the Ansoff matrix The Ansoff product/ market matrix is a tool that helps businesses decide their product and market growth strategy.Ansoff's product/ market matrix suggests that a business' attempts to grow depend on whether it markets new or existing products in new or existing … [Read more...] about Ansoff Matrix – product -v- market grid
Pareto's Principle – The 80/20 rule
Introduction to 80-20In 1906, Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto created a mathematical formula to describe the unequal distribution of wealth in his country, observing that twenty percent of the people owned eighty percent of the wealth.In the late 1940s, Dr. Joseph M. Juran inaccurately attributed the 80/20 Rule to Pareto, calling it Pareto's Principle. While it may be misnamed, Pareto's Principle or Pareto's Law as it is sometimes called, can be a very effective tool to help you manage … [Read more...] about Pareto's Principle – The 80/20 rule
Stop Start Continue Change Management Model
Stop Start Continue Change Management Model Introduction to the model - SSCCThe stop start continue change management model is a useful 'quick and dirty' tool for looking at service improvement. It can also be used as a technique for generating ideas, solving problems, and negotiating behavior changes between two groups, individuals, or departments Using the four basic titles (STOP START CONTINUE CHANGE) look at a service or offer and consider each of the actions, top stop elements (or the … [Read more...] about Stop Start Continue Change Management Model
Is training the solution? Performance Analysis Quadrant (PAQ) tool
When the performance of an individual or team is being questioned, often the first solution tried is training. But is this right? Does the approach of "train them to get better performance" hold up? Or has it been this approach which has caused the value of training to diminish in the eyes of many in business?One tool which can help us identify the appropriate solution is known as the Performance Analysis Quadrant. This should be a standard tool in the toolbox of every organizational … [Read more...] about Is training the solution? Performance Analysis Quadrant (PAQ) tool
Leadership and Management Models Download PowerPoint Slides – page 3b At RapidBI we use many management and leadership models and through the process of using them we have developed a library of 100′s.These pages have proved so popular that we now offer unbranded PowerPoint slides for you to download and use.Please note many of the models on the slides are copyright – please use appropriately.Go back to page 1 of the modelsGo back to page 2 of the models[wp_eStore_fancy1 … [Read more...] about leadership-and-management-models-download-page-3b
leadership and management models download- page 2a
Leadership and Management Models Download PowerPoint Slides - page 2a At RapidBI we use many management and leadership models and through the process of using them we have developed a library of 100′s.These pages have proved so popular that we now offer unbranded PowerPoint slides for you to download and use.Please note many of the models on the slides are copyright – please use appropriately.Go back to page 1 of the models[wp_eStore_fancy1 id=1]Conceptual … [Read more...] about leadership and management models download- page 2a
The STRETCH model of coaching
S et the context T ransfer issues to the learner - ensure ownership R evisit what outstanding performance looks like E stablish what's in it for the learner T ake time to agree what specifically must change C atch them doing something right - praise and reward H ave time set aside to celebrate successSource: John Burdett … [Read more...] about The STRETCH model of coaching
Learning Styles – Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory
Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory Overview: The theory of multiple intelligence's suggests that there are a number of distinct forms of intelligence that each individual possesses in varying degrees. Gardner proposes seven primary forms: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, intra personal (e.g., insight, meta cognition) and interpersonal (e.g., social skills).According to Howard Gardner, the implication of the theory is that … [Read more...] about Learning Styles – Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory
Learning Styles – Kolb & Lewin
Kolb & Lewin learning styles Learning styles specifically deal with characteristic styles of learning. Kolb (1984) proposes a theory of experiential learning that involves four principal stages: concrete experiences, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. The CE/AC and AE/RO dimensions are polar opposites as far as learning styles are concerned and Kolb postulates four types of learners (divergers, assimilators, convergers, and accommodators) … [Read more...] about Learning Styles – Kolb & Lewin
RapidBI Business Growth Model
When doing any training or business change, it is important to balance business and people development. The Business Growth Model looks at these factors. This model can be used for coaching, mentoring or change management.In essence we believe that any organizational change needs to balance changes and growth in the business and its processes along with the development in the capability of its people. Once there is a miss-match in the development of people and the business processes, there … [Read more...] about RapidBI Business Growth Model
Learning Styles – Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ)
Honey and Mumford - LSQ The LSQ (Learning Style Questionnaire) is a self-administered questionnaire determines your preferred learning style. Knowing your learning style can accelerate your learning as you undertake activities that best fit your preferred style.Knowing your learning style can also help avoid repeating mistakes by undertaking activities that strengthen other styles For example, if you tend to “jump in at the deep end”, consider spending time reflecting on experiences before … [Read more...] about Learning Styles – Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ)
Management model – Trust -v- Risk
Introduction The Trust vs. Risk matrix is a management tool that can help you determine your entrepreneur profile based on your attitude to risk and your attitude to trust.ProsThis simple matrix can give you an idea of the type of innovator you are, and the qualities you need to develop in order to maximize your chances of success.ConsInnovation and enterprises can take various shapes and forms. This matrix lays out a clear hierarchy between profiles, … [Read more...] about Management model – Trust -v- Risk
Four learning styles
ActivistReflectorTheoristPragmatistSource: Honey and Mumford … [Read more...] about Four learning styles
The liberating leadership model
The liberating leadership model* Liberates * Encourages and supports * Achieves purpose * Develops people and teams * Example setting * Relationship building through trustThe Industrial Society … [Read more...] about The liberating leadership model