Are you considering a change of career? Are you concerned about going back to education after so many years out? Hi thereHave you thought about going back to study there's a lot going on in the world at the moment, and many of us are having to rethink perhaps where we are what we are doing and what we might want to do in the future so many of us thinking about returning to work or potentially changing career this could mean looking at a new course or qualification and that in … [Read more...] about Thinking about going back to study?
What is LinkedIn? How does LinkedIn work?
What is LinkedIn? Is LinkedIn a social network? Is LinkedIn a professional network? Is it a database, if so of what?Why should this matter? If you are a professional or a freelancer in the b2b space, then LinkedIn can be beneficial to you. Still, fewer than 20% of LinkedIn users harness the platform for personal benefit in an effective way.In this video, Mike explores what LinkedIn is, and it might not be as apparent as you thing. When you understand what LinkedIn is, it will change the … [Read more...] about What is LinkedIn? How does LinkedIn work?
How to raise your LinkedIn profile (Get Seen on LinkedIn) – stand above other users #HRBlog
How to get seen on LinkedIn. Having a LinkedIn profile is one thing. Leveraging it and have it work for you is quite another.Over the years I have used LinkedIn a lot, and would like to share with you some simple things you can do to to make LinkedIn work for you in a proactive way.I would love to hear your views on this. Links to the LinkedIn Group - Script for the Get Seen on LinkedIn Video: In this video I want share some … [Read more...] about How to raise your LinkedIn profile (Get Seen on LinkedIn) – stand above other users #HRBlog
Ditch the Business cards and use the LinkedIn app when networking
Yes you read it right. You can now leave your business cards behind and use the LinkedIn app on your phone.Many Business cards just get thrown away, so why not save a few trees and not generate some CO2 by not having business cards in the first place?LinkedIn have made it really easy to share details with other people using their app. In this short video I will show you how to connect with other people, face to face in the real world!The LinkedIn app now has 2 great features, an … [Read more...] about Ditch the Business cards and use the LinkedIn app when networking
How to customise your LinkedIn URL
How to customise your LinkedIn URLSo you have a LinkedIn profile like millions of others. But do you remember the URL?Chances are no. LinkedIn as default creates your URL with your name and a bunch of what look like random characters after it. But it is easy to change to something more personal and memorable.In this short video I will show you how to change this on the LinkedIn app … [Read more...] about How to customise your LinkedIn URL
7 steps to maximise your sales effectiveness #NSC17
Today is day one of the national Sales Conference 2017. The first session was called 7 steps to maximise your sales effectiveness. This was led by Andy HanselmanAndy outlined several factors in the sales process, and mostly based his presentation on the following 7 steps.:Step 1 - choose 'em or lose 'emstep 2 - Make sure you are getting enoughStep 3 - Be preparedStep 4 - Build trust, rapport and credibilityStep 5 - Finding needs, solving problems and selling … [Read more...] about 7 steps to maximise your sales effectiveness #NSC17
#cipdace16 – some of our summaries from sessions
CIPDACE16 - the CIPD annual conference. In recent years Martin Couzins and I have been producing some summary videos - here are the ones from the CIPDs annual conference and exhibition in Manchester 2016 CIPD ACE chat #1 Margaret Heffernan Mike Morrison and Martin Couzins reflect on the opening keynote of the CIPD conference 2016CIPD chat #2 Diversity and innovationMike Morrison reflects on the diversity and innovation … [Read more...] about #cipdace16 – some of our summaries from sessions
Flow – The formula for optimal success (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
Flow - The formula for optimal success (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) Flow is a concept developed by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, in his book "FLOW" he describes peoples experience of what makes an experience genuinely satisfying or what it is like to be in the state of flow.Flow is a state of consciousness which can be achieved on an individual path, providing optimal performance.In the book Csikszentmihalyi lists a number of fact which accompany an experience of flow: 1. Clear goals … [Read more...] about Flow – The formula for optimal success (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
This week we have been that the HR Software show and Recruitment Exhibition run by the CIPD. These are exhibitions that provide showcases for people looking to buy enterprise HR software and to recruit people into their organisations.The HR Software Show is a well-established event, which has been running for over 15 years. It helps hundreds of HR professionals make important purchase decisions every year. It can help you to Upgrade your HR strategy with the latest software … [Read more...] about Swivel chair chats with @MartinCouzins & @RapidBI at #HRSS16 & #RECEX16
Green Bean bag thoughts #cipdLDshow 2016 @martincouzins @rapidbi #cipd
Each year the CIPD hold an annual conference and exhibition looking at the world of Learning and Development. This show is known as the CIPDLDShow (or HRD if you are old enough!).Followers of this blog would have seen several entry's over the years. This year as well as a few blogs and individual videos here are some collaboration reflections.The conference takes place at Olympia in West London. It's a 2 day conference and exhibition.Mike Morrison and Martin Couzins review … [Read more...] about Green Bean bag thoughts #cipdLDshow 2016 @martincouzins @rapidbi #cipd
David Coulthard on leadership & competition
Give and Take #cipd14
via IFTTT … [Read more...] about Give and Take #cipd14
Trainers & Presenters mind your visuals
Trainers & Presenters mind your visuals As communicators, those of us that use visuals of any form as part of our training or presentations, do we really understand the science behind what we are doing?Do we ensure that the visual cues we give are coherent with what we are saying, avoiding slight anomalies which may dramatically change the communication?This effect is called the McGurk effect.The McGurk effect (named after Harry McGurk of McGurk & McDonald, 1976) is a … [Read more...] about Trainers & Presenters mind your visuals
Summary of World of Learning (WOLCE) 2010 Day 1
coaching videos
How to Coaching Videos UPDATEThis page was updated in May 2020 to correct broken links In the summer of 2007, RapidBI director and coach Mike Morrison was approached by Coaching-UK to make some short videos on Coaching and Mentoring.There were more recorded, however, these were lost when the website hosting them went offline. When we find them we will add them.We hope you find these of value: Defining CoachingWhat is the difference between mentoting and … [Read more...] about coaching videos