Microsoft to acquire Linkedin. If you have not already read the news, yesterday Microsoft announced that it was on track to buy LinkedIn later this year. This is causing some upsets in many corners. Why would a Business software & services supplier (Microsoft) buy what most people think as a CV warehouse? Why over pay? If you look at the figured it is clear that Microsoft are paying over the odds per user. In addition is this a copy of many other bad tech purchases over the years or is this … [Read more...] about Has Microsoft just killed the HR software & CRM market? #LinkedIn #HRSS16 #RECEX16 #HRBLOG
Introduction to Knowledge – Understanding – Action The RapidBI approach to Change
Introduction to KUA™ Knowledge -> Understanding -> ActionKnowledge leads to Understanding which can be applied into effective Actionis the process and principles that RapidBI base all of our programs, products and development upon.We recommend that when starting any OD or change intervention that you follow this simple, yet effective process:KNOWLEDGE - learn the principles, underpinning information and concepts UNDERSTANDING - from that knowledge develop your … [Read more...] about Introduction to Knowledge – Understanding – Action The RapidBI approach to Change
Why change management often fails to deliver management expectations
Why do most change management initiatives fail? Many of us are involved in change management and yet we often do not learn from previous mistakes as to why change management often fails to deliver. Change happens but we often fail to deliver management expectations.Over the past 15 years The RapidBI team have researched and investigated the reasons why many organizational change and improvement initiatives fail to deliver bottom line results. Indeed many change and improvement initiatives … [Read more...] about Why change management often fails to deliver management expectations
Why business improvement fails to deliver
Why business improvement fails to deliver Why business improvement often fails to deliver. This article explores the reasons why so many business improvement initiatives fail to deliver.Over the past 10 years The RapidBI team have researched and investigated the reasons why many business change and improvement initiates fail to deliver bottom line results. Indeed many change and improvement initiatives don't just fail to add to the bottom line, the often suck valuable resources from the … [Read more...] about Why business improvement fails to deliver
Kurt Lewin Change Theory Three Step Model – unfreeze, change, freeze
The Kurt Lewin three-step model change theory, Unfreeze the current behaviours and processes, make the changes you need, then practice and freeze the new behaviours and practices into everyday actions. Introduction to the change model The Kurt Lewin, change theory model, is based around a 3-step process (Unfreeze-Change-Freeze) that provides a high-level approach to improvement. It gives a manager or other change agent a framework to implement a change effort, which is always very sensitive … [Read more...] about Kurt Lewin Change Theory Three Step Model – unfreeze, change, freeze
Motivating difficult trainees during training
It is said there is no such thing as a “difficult trainee”, just the unknown and our reactions to that. Not everyone is like a spring lamb or an inquisitive 3 year old! We have all been there, seen it and done it before, indeed many have the T-Shirt. Often, when things are new and we believe passionately about it, on occasions we can seem a “little” too over enthusiastic. J This can happen in your training too. As trainers we can appear to be “too full on” or almost as a disciple for the … [Read more...] about Motivating difficult trainees during training
HR needs to split operations & strategic activities – needing to live the company values
For years HR has been fighting to have a seat at the top table. It wants to be seen as more relevant and important to the business.The simple reality is that HR is neither operational or strategic to many organisations, and the reason is simple….. a lack of customer care. Many of us have dropped the ball. We have been playing the wrong game, on the wrong court, with the wrong ball! If we want to be strategic we need to talk $$$, that is a topic for another blog (watch this space), on another … [Read more...] about HR needs to split operations & strategic activities – needing to live the company values
Crowdsourcing, risk and the new rules required
or what to do when crowdfunding goes wrong?If anyone has seen the news over the last 12 months, there has been a raise in a new phenomenon – crowd sourcing. This is where the power of the crowd is used to help fund projects, that often conventional funding would not support, or for people without the connections to conventional funding. Definition of CROWDSOURCING : the practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of … [Read more...] about Crowdsourcing, risk and the new rules required
SWOT analysis
SWOT Analysis The SWOT analysis is an effective planning tool used to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business. It usually involves specifying the objective of the business or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are supportive or unfavourable to achieving that objective. A SWOT analysis is often used as part of a strategic planning process. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, … [Read more...] about SWOT analysis
…and I’m expected to attend training?
Business, customers, expectations, time pressures, different employees, change. Wherever we look these days things are changing and more often than not it appears to be out of our control. Then on top of this we are expected to attend training, is it really necessary? Does the training have to be for that long? Can’t I just attend for a day? I have a job to do you know. Some great questions If your employer is providing more than just a couple of hours of training, then they consider it … [Read more...] about …and I’m expected to attend training?
Innovation Drivers for change
Innovation Drivers Innovation is that buzz phrase that many, many firms aspire to. The look at processes, and hiring innovative and bright people. But are we missing the point? Learning from history - the drivers of innovation Almost every point in history, when there have been problems that needed solving, especially when resources were sparse we have seen wonderful innovation. Whilst we may not like the context, the second world war gives some brilliant examples - Wallis's bouncing bomb, … [Read more...] about Innovation Drivers for change
Manners online and forum/ platform culture
Manners online and forum/ platform culture - are they the same? There have recently been some discussions about the culture of social media sites and this sometimes gets confused with "manners" - but are they the same thing?In the real world as children and young adults we learn how to act with politeness, respect, and courtesy.However in the virtual world or world of social media, manners are still developing.This slideshare shows some great tips for social media manners … [Read more...] about Manners online and forum/ platform culture
Ready for Change – book review
Ready for Change - Edited by Cora Lynn Heimer RathboneThis is a change management book aimed at Leaders, managers, Human Resources and organizational change professionals looking to be ready for change. Initial reaction - Ready for Change One thing I do first when looking at a management book for the first time is look at the design. Are there illustrations, models or tables helping to communicate key messages - and this book is full of them! Over 44 in just 260 pages.This may sound … [Read more...] about Ready for Change – book review
What is Business Transformation?
What is Business Transformation? Increasingly in the worlds of project management, change and organizational development the term Business Transformation is being used. But what does it mean? What is exactly is Business Transformation?Is it change re-branded? Is it outsourcing? Is it a way for IT companies to sell additional services?In this unique piece Mike explores Business Transformation and looks at how this approach can be used in your company. He gets behind the hype and looks at what … [Read more...] about What is Business Transformation?
Rapid organizational improvement ROI
ROI – Rapid Organizational Improvement It’s four in the afternoon on a Wednesday and you boss or internal client says that they want to launch a major change program … next week. Ever been there?We strive to be business partners, we seek to build meaningful relationships – then out of the blue we get recruited for ‘Mission Impossible’. Do our employers truly believe we are magicians… masters of illusion, or do they just think ‘change is easy’?Change is certainly easier if we are … [Read more...] about Rapid organizational improvement ROI
It’s not what is in front of you.. but what you see
It's not what is in front of you.. but what you see The amazing colour changing card trick Have a look at this great card illusion. What do you notice about the cards?It's an interesting demonstration of us seeing what we want to see...In your business, what do you see? do you see what you expect to see or what you don't expect to see?Updated June 2016 to a new video as the old one was removed … [Read more...] about It’s not what is in front of you.. but what you see
Managing Change in Organizations
Managing Change in Organizations Welcome to our page on change management.For organizational development to be effective, change needs to be managed. Many organizational focus on the project management aspects of change. While this is an important factor - it is not the critical factor. People are.Often when undertaking change processes in organizations we focus on the process, the project management. Often when change fails it fails because we have not taken into account the impact … [Read more...] about Managing Change in Organizations
Creating an organisational wide innovation culture
Creating an organisational wide innovation culture Ever heard people say...“What we need in this organisation is innovation”, “Creativity will give us the edge”.Leaders often utter these words with little realisation of the difficulties of bringing about a fundamental shift in the behaviour necessary to create an innovation culture across the enterprise. “We can empower people to bring new ideas, we’ll run some workshops on creativity” if only it were that simple. But alas this … [Read more...] about Creating an organisational wide innovation culture
Global Hand Washing Day 15th October
How clean are your hands? Today marks the fourth global hand washing day. Started in 2008 its goal is to prevent deaths through cross infection and poor hygiene.The organization behind this (Global hand washing day) have launched some excellent Posters and other resources to help. Of course, hand washing is for life, not just for hand washing day... but it's a great focus. Why is effective hand washing important? Although people around the world wash their hands with water, … [Read more...] about Global Hand Washing Day 15th October
What’s your cause? – Goal setting for 2010
What’s your cause? - Goal setting for 2010 Prompted by this: Instead of writing goals this year, can you define your cause? Goals create actions which might have an effect. Causes create effects, making the goals that arise more fluid, adaptable and meaningful. Marcia ReynoldsIt got me thinking about new Year goals and resolutions. Every year it is the same, every self and personal development guru says that now is the time to clear out the old and set up the new, and less than a month into … [Read more...] about What’s your cause? – Goal setting for 2010