The Stop Start Continue Change is a management and facilitation model that can be applied to a wide range of situations where we need to improve processes, polices and behaviours etc. Stop – Start – Continue – Change The Stop – Start – Continue – Change four step change model is a simple yet often overlooked organizational and individual development tool. Suitable for a wide range of applications including individual, team and organisational, the SSCC model provides a valuable facilitation … [Read more...] about Stop Start Continue Change – a Management and facilitation Model
Has Microsoft just killed the HR software & CRM market? #LinkedIn #HRSS16 #RECEX16 #HRBLOG
Microsoft to acquire Linkedin. If you have not already read the news, yesterday Microsoft announced that it was on track to buy LinkedIn later this year. This is causing some upsets in many corners. Why would a Business software & services supplier (Microsoft) buy what most people think as a CV warehouse? Why over pay? If you look at the figured it is clear that Microsoft are paying over the odds per user. In addition is this a copy of many other bad tech purchases over the years or is this … [Read more...] about Has Microsoft just killed the HR software & CRM market? #LinkedIn #HRSS16 #RECEX16 #HRBLOG
guide to employee satisfaction & engagement surveys
A guide to Employee Satisfaction Engagement SurveysA guide to conducting employee engagement and satisfaction survey. This page outlines the key steps and requirements of a successful staff or employee survey.EESS Home - Employee Engagement Satisfaction - Guide to surveys - EESS overviewA guide to conducting employee engagement and satisfaction surveys Employee survey techniques have developed significantly over the past few years, with web based technologies it is … [Read more...] about guide to employee satisfaction & engagement surveys
Dale – Cone of Experience or Learning Pyramid Theory – Misleading Quotes
Whatever you call it, it's probably not what you expected. Dale Cone of Experience, Cone of Learning or the Learning Pyramid is not how most books and sites quote it. The origins of this stuff have been distorted over time. Or did they really exist, and was it just a figment of someones imagination? The reality of course is that its a mix. dales did develop a cone of experience, but it had no numbers and was a metaphor not a piece of research. as for the National Training Laboratory in Maine and … [Read more...] about Dale – Cone of Experience or Learning Pyramid Theory – Misleading Quotes
A Comprehensive Guide to Common LinkedIn Profile-Building Questions #HRBlog
Many of us have a LinkedIn profile, and there are many common LinkedIn profile-building questions that this article seeks to address. First off, when did you last update your profile? When did you add that MOOC course? - is your profile up to date or stagnant?Networking is the primary way to go about looking for a new job. Spread your net far enough, and you will eventually catch something. LinkedIn is the premiere job networking social media site. It enables users to form “connections” with … [Read more...] about A Comprehensive Guide to Common LinkedIn Profile-Building Questions #HRBlog
Performance Reviews & Performance Appraisals are already gamified #hrblog
Do you have performance reviews or appraisals of any kind? Do they have a score or rank included in them? then rad on!Readers of this blog will know that I have been interested in gamification for some time. Even traveling to New York to learn from one of the biggest names in the industry, Gabe Zichermann. Last week I was at one of the UKs leading conferences for Learning and development #cipdLDshow. On several occasions I found myself hearing other professionals and practitioners in the … [Read more...] about Performance Reviews & Performance Appraisals are already gamified #hrblog
Chase to the bottom – or do you know of a free tool to…? #hrblog
Do you know of a free too to...? When was the last time you asked the question "Do you know of a free tool ...?" Was this your first attempt at solving the problem or last resort? Are free tools really free or is the cost hidden? Do we really understand all the costs involved?Many of our readers know that we are active in some of the HR and learning & Development online communities. Sometimes questions asked spark ideas and thoughts to share. This piece is one of them.The article … [Read more...] about Chase to the bottom – or do you know of a free tool to…? #hrblog
Mental Health, HR and Training #HRBlog
Mental health issues impact on 1 in 4 adults. If you are not personally affected, then the chances are people around you are. Some years ago I had an interesting experience on a training course. I have mentioned this to a few people in the past but never written publicly before. Talking therapies in the workplace are on the rise. They certainly have their place, but are people aware of the dangers as well as the opportunities.Some of my readers know that I have been a long term … [Read more...] about Mental Health, HR and Training #HRBlog
Have your team leaders lost their grip? Time to train managers #hrblog
Have your team leaders lost their grip?It's a straight forward question: Have your team leaders lost their grip?Managers, most of us have one. They are not always called managers of course. Sometimes they are called supervisors, team leaders, deputy manager, leader, VP, Boss. Whatever we call them or their official job title, they are our “line manager”.We rely on them for guidance in our jobs. For support when things are not going well. For praise when things go well. For many … [Read more...] about Have your team leaders lost their grip? Time to train managers #hrblog
LinkedIn it’s not just for job search #HRBlog
LinkedIn is more than just a job search and CV hosting tool. Being or getting active on linkedin raises your profile. The problem that many users create for themselves is only being active when looking for work or a new role. LI gives us tools to raise our profile too.Effective use of LinkedIn requires ongoing balance. When in a stable (employed) role, we often use LinkedIn for connecting, learning and sharing. When needing or seeking new opportunities we can use it to raise our profile even … [Read more...] about LinkedIn it’s not just for job search #HRBlog
HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Introduction to One Word HR Trends SurveyWhat is the One word HR trends survey 2016? Early in 2015 we ran a simple survey among HR professionals. They were given 10 topics and asked for one word which represented there understanding or meaning for that word or phrase. This produced some interesting results. So twelve months on I thought we could repeat the process. The results are fascinating. In the first survey we had just over 500 responses, in this later version we had just under 400 … [Read more...] about HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Value of LinkedIn Groups – Why do some professionals use them? #hrblog
Many of us are on LinkedIn. many of us use the groups on LinkedIn. But what is the value of LinkedIn groups and what do people use them for?Earlier in the month I ran a survey with my group members. the group has just over 40,000 members. Most of the members are in the HR profession. The group is a reasonably active group. I would love to be able to tell you how active, but LinkedIn has removed the group statistics! Why do people use LinkedIn groups? As a regular user of LinkedIn … [Read more...] about Value of LinkedIn Groups – Why do some professionals use them? #hrblog
Leadership Competences – how effective are you?
Leadership Competence, just how effective are you in managing tasks and people? Leadership and management competencies are often used by larger organizations to identify peoples strengths and development needs. Often these frameworks are expensive and complex. One framework we have used in the past is this simple 55 item competence framework. It is based on 3 key factors:Managing yourself, Managing tasks, and Managing others.You can use this list to look at the statements, rate … [Read more...] about Leadership Competences – how effective are you?
Corporate values and behaviours – Dangers of not walking the talk #hrblog #linkedin
Corporate values or core values as some call them, have been in management texts for many years. As more and more business leaders complete education and training, so more and more firms have written value statements. But are these statements just marketing puff or is it really a tool to run a business by? Hit the self-destruct button! In this piece we look at one business that has hit the self destruct button by saying one value is important, but employees clearly have not got the … [Read more...] about Corporate values and behaviours – Dangers of not walking the talk #hrblog #linkedin
Purpose of LinkedIn – Ninja tips to raise your profile increasing prospects #hrblog
What is the purpose of LinkedIn? Many will say that LinkedIn doesn't work. They do not get jobs through it. As a consultant they do not get work through it. They also say that LinkedIn cannot be used for raising your profile to increase job or consulting prospects. Why do they say that? Simple, they have a profile and expect work to come to them. Worse, they have a basic headline only profile that gives NO INFORMATION. Having the profile is much like having a product. Getting it on the shelf in … [Read more...] about Purpose of LinkedIn – Ninja tips to raise your profile increasing prospects #hrblog
All interview questions fall under one of three types
All interview questions fall under one of three types. Knowing what they are, and trying to do is just a matter of understanding the process. In essence, the employer needs to replace a person or fill a new role. They need to be as productive as fast as possible. Cost as little as possible and fit in with 'The way we do things here'.We need to understand what it is that the interviewer is trying to do. The Killer question You know what it is like. You go for the interview, then at some … [Read more...] about All interview questions fall under one of three types
So Much Training, So Little to Show for It
So much training, so little to show for it in our organizations. Why is this often the case?Back in 2012 the Wall Street Journal published a piece looking at this. They concluded that businesses needed to do:Better training needs analysis (TNA) - not just what but who Design - what where how follow up - testing to see if people have learnt. Are they applying the new ways?Research from the The American Society for Training and Development claimed that only 10% of learning goes … [Read more...] about So Much Training, So Little to Show for It
Top tips for you on getting the most out of LinkedIn for Graduates
Are you getting the most out of LinkedIn? Are you a recent graduate or job hunter? New to the world of work? Here are some top tips to help you get the most out of LinkedIn Getting the most out of LinkedIn can be hard and sometimes scary. You do have a profile on Linkedin...right? Are you getting the most out of LinkedIn and your profile there? Job sites LinkedIn like most "job sites" will not work for you, you need to make it work. It's a tool, not a service which will feed you jobs on a … [Read more...] about Top tips for you on getting the most out of LinkedIn for Graduates
Learning, are we evolving or regressing – Things Trainers wont tell you! #hrblog
How we learn – and making learning work for us With regards to learning are we evolving or regressingSome years ago I was asked to speak at an international conference on e-learning. What I was talking about is not relevant, but what I learnt from the keynote speaker has changed my approach to training and learning and development.The speaker concerned was Professor Heinz Wolf from Brunel University ( What follows is not ‘word for … [Read more...] about Learning, are we evolving or regressing – Things Trainers wont tell you! #hrblog
Training is like PPE – A lack of budget does not mean no training
We have all been there at one time or another. Budgets are tighter than expected. Often external spend is reduced to a minimum.A lack of budget should not mean training stops. It means we need to start thinking differently. Its innovation time! Attending courses are not the only way to train and develop people. Sometimes we need to focus on the end result, the learning needed and not the journey – how that knowledge of skill should be achieved.When as part of a Personal Development … [Read more...] about Training is like PPE – A lack of budget does not mean no training