Using Technology based platforms to support learning - does it work? Increasingly the use of technology to support or in some cases to deliver learning is on the increase.While reading a post on one of the forums this morning I came across a debate about the willingness for "trainers" to adopt technology to support or deliver learning.The author of the piece (Martin Addison from VideoArts) cited the following: Trainers don’t have the stomach for more preparation Here, the allegation is that … [Read more...] about Technology based learning – does it work (e-learning)?
The new training (learning and development) manager on the block
The New Training or Learning & Development Manager You know the scene, you have been asked by your line manager to take on the role of company trainer. You accept. But what does this mean? You know that trainers teach people things they have not done before. So being a trainer is about sharing your experiences and skills... isn't it?Who needs to be trained?Well actually... employees may need help improving in their current role, preparing for promotion, or developing their leadership … [Read more...] about The new training (learning and development) manager on the block
Pecha Kucha or the 20×20 presentation technique
Pecha Kucha or how to get your point across in less than seven minutes? Do you want your audience to be hooked from the off? Then this is a presentation technique to explorePecha Kucha (pronounced peh-cha ku-cha) is a presentation technique especially for those that love PowerPoint, and this method ensures it is fun, fast and interesting. The approach limits the presentation to 20 slides and 20 seconds per slide - a maximum of 6 minutes 20 seconds. A unique structure for a presentation. … [Read more...] about Pecha Kucha or the 20×20 presentation technique
E-learning – making to transition from classroom to electronic learning
Following my presentation to the BCS special interest learning group last month, I was involved in a discussion about the use of visuals in learning.The question was posed - What techniques are 'in' and which are 'out' ?My immediate reaction was nothing and everything - it's not what you do but the way that you do it - anything works as long as it is congruent with the style, context and learning need.But this got me thinking in the wider sense.In a classroom the 'screen' pr … [Read more...] about E-learning – making to transition from classroom to electronic learning
Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples
How to use Twitter as a training & learning tool In the last couple of weeks I have written a number of articles on the use of Twitter (micro-blogging platforms) which have proved of interest. Now is the time to take this further.Before we even look at how twitter can be used for learning, training and education, we need to understand the context before the content. While at a conference this week #iitt09 I was amazed at the number of 'trainers' that did not appear to understand the … [Read more...] about Twitter as a training and learning tool – some examples
Why Twitter is good for learning
Twitter the real brain friendly approach to informal learning Can Twitter be used as a training tool?The traditional approach to learning is to identify end to end learning that is required to achieve a new task. While this works for structured learning it is not very effective for informal or personal learning.The human brain does not think in large logical 'articles', instead it thinks of information in small chunks, of which they form the whole picture. the process is not logical. indeed … [Read more...] about Why Twitter is good for learning
Learning Styles Questionnaire – AVK
'Lite' version of an AVK style learning instrument Learning Styles Questionnaire – AVK As human we have preferences for the way we prefer to communicate information. We use language based on our senses in varying ways. When we can understand our preferences and those of others around us we can be more effective communicators. Please tick the white box if the statement is usually true for you. Statements:VLVNALANKTWhen I make things for my studies, I remember what I … [Read more...] about Learning Styles Questionnaire – AVK
Leadership models
Leadership models and theories are tools that help to shape the way we think, manage and run our organisations.This is an old page, maintained for reasons of continuity, please visit our updated page here Leadership models and theories are tools that help to shape the way we think, manage and run our organisations.This page lists some of those leadership models found to be of value by the team at RapidBI. This is a historical page - our updated page can be found … [Read more...] about Leadership models
Developing the developers – CPD for trainers
Developing the developers - CPD for trainers Training our Trainers The results of the developing the developers survey shows us some of the learning and development priorities in terms of continuous professional development - CPD for trainers.Box quote.. ” If I don't know I don't know I think I know If I don't know I know I think I don't know Laing R D (1970) KnotsHarmondsworth; Penguin (p.55)” Roles of trainers There are in effect two primary roles in learning and … [Read more...] about Developing the developers – CPD for trainers
Green Bean bag thoughts #cipdLDshow 2016 @martincouzins @rapidbi #cipd
Each year the CIPD hold an annual conference and exhibition looking at the world of Learning and Development. This show is known as the CIPDLDShow (or HRD if you are old enough!).Followers of this blog would have seen several entry's over the years. This year as well as a few blogs and individual videos here are some collaboration reflections.The conference takes place at Olympia in West London. It's a 2 day conference and exhibition.Mike Morrison and Martin Couzins review … [Read more...] about Green Bean bag thoughts #cipdLDshow 2016 @martincouzins @rapidbi #cipd
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business NeedsSarah Mellor - John Lewis PartnershipJo Kelly - WaitroseEloise McNeile & Lucero Tagle - GoogleChaired by Peter Cheese - CEO CIPDPeter Cheese sets the scene on one of the most popular session at this years CIPD L&D conference. We are now in a VUCA world. agility, adaptability and resilience is increasingly important. In order to support businesses in this context, L&D will be pivotal to … [Read more...] about Building an Agile Development Strategy Aligned to Changing Business Needs #cipdldshow
Driving Change and Customer Benefit through Strategic L&D #CIPDldShow
The session was led by Ruth Stuart - CIPD Research Adviser Robert Ashcroft - Senior L&D Manager Santander UKRuth Stuart got the session off by asking the participants what we thought the "purpose of L&D is?" (L&D = Learning and Development - or "training" in old money)The 2015 CIPD survey reported that the purpose is about: "improving individual and organisational performance through developing employee capability" There are some key external drivers that were identified … [Read more...] about Driving Change and Customer Benefit through Strategic L&D #CIPDldShow
Learning Styles – Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory
Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory Overview: The theory of multiple intelligence's suggests that there are a number of distinct forms of intelligence that each individual possesses in varying degrees. Gardner proposes seven primary forms: linguistic, musical, logical-mathematical, spatial, body-kinesthetic, intra personal (e.g., insight, meta cognition) and interpersonal (e.g., social skills).According to Howard Gardner, the implication of the theory is that … [Read more...] about Learning Styles – Gardner Multiple Intelligence theory
Eight ways to learn from your mistakes
In the book "Ending the Blame Culture" Michael Pearn, Chris Mulrooney and Tom Payne, the authors say there are eight ways to learn from mistakes.These are:Explore what happened don't judge it Remain calm instead of getting emotional Find out what actually happened instead of reacting to what you think happened Focus on faulty processes not faulty people Provide support instead of finding fault Concentrate on causes instead of effects Assume an attitude of learning … [Read more...] about Eight ways to learn from your mistakes
Train the trainer course – what to look for?
17 things to looks for in a Train the Trainer course... Search the web for a train the trainer course and you are provided with a long list of websites which all appear to meet your needs - but do they? What is a train the trainer course? are they all the same and will they meet your needs?What is Train the Trainer?Lets first look at what a trainer is. Today in 2010 a trainer is a little different from those 10-20 years ago, indeed even the language has changed.There are in essence 4 types … [Read more...] about Train the trainer course – what to look for?
Learning Styles Questionnaire – Honey & Mumford style LSQ – TRAP
A 'lite' version of a learning styles questionnaire: This Learning Styles Questionnaire is loosely based on the model developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford this 'lite' version can help you identify typical strengths in your learning habits. Instructions: Look at the following statements – if they are usually true for you tick the appropriate white boxQuestionAPTRI find it easy to meet new people and make new friendsI am … [Read more...] about Learning Styles Questionnaire – Honey & Mumford style LSQ – TRAP
Certificate in L&D Practice (CDP) from the CIPD
New qualification - Certificate in L&D Practice (CDP) from the CIPD Today I was lucky enough to be in a meeting with one of the leading providers of the old CTP , looking at the new CDP programme on offer. The changes to the new qualification are substantial, making the qualification much more relevant to todays business and L&D needs for the future.More hours, deeper content, more 'lifelike' assessments, learner centred approach, accelerated learning.. a great package.CTP to … [Read more...] about Certificate in L&D Practice (CDP) from the CIPD
CIPD qualifications for Learning & Development (New – CDP)
New CIPD qualifications for Learning and Development Late in 2009 the CIPD have announced some new qualifications that will supersede the CTP, Certificate in Training Practice. There will be two new qualifications for this market - a level 3 and a level 5 programme.There are not much in the way of details at the time of writing this however the information given below is provided in good faith and as-is.The announcement of these two programmes is a first for the CIPD, in that for the first … [Read more...] about CIPD qualifications for Learning & Development (New – CDP)
What is happening in the world of L&D (Training)? Is it changing?
Experienced L&D people are bleeding out of organisations and going freelance While talking to a colleague, he confirmed that there appears to be a trend in the training world at the moment. This trend is supported by the change in readership of both my site and blog are getting.Here is the thought - I'd appreciate your views on this: Experienced professionals are leaving organisations and going freelance, leaving behind managers and less experienced individuals to carry on delivering.The … [Read more...] about What is happening in the world of L&D (Training)? Is it changing?
Learning Styles – Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ)
Honey and Mumford - LSQ The LSQ (Learning Style Questionnaire) is a self-administered questionnaire determines your preferred learning style. Knowing your learning style can accelerate your learning as you undertake activities that best fit your preferred style.Knowing your learning style can also help avoid repeating mistakes by undertaking activities that strengthen other styles For example, if you tend to “jump in at the deep end”, consider spending time reflecting on experiences before … [Read more...] about Learning Styles – Honey & Mumford Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ)