The Change House ModelThere are many change management models, one that is becoming increasingly popular is one often referred to as: "The Change House Model", "The House of Change Model" or the "Four Rooms of Change model". History of the Change House Model Originally developed in the early 1970's by Claes F Janssen, it's original or proper name is The Four Rooms of Change or the 4-Room Apartment.In Janssen's work this is represented as: The Four Rooms of Change … [Read more...] about Change House Model
What is Best Practice?
So what is Best Practice and Good Practice? Is there a difference, and do we care?IntroductionOften in business, we hear about Best Practice and Good Practice, but what does it mean? Where and when should we use it?To help us out, let us look at some definitions:Definitions - Practice To do or perform habitually or customarily; make a habit of practices courtesy in social situations. To do or perform (something) repeatedly to acquire or polish a skill: practice a dance … [Read more...] about What is Best Practice?
Competencies – are they dead? Or are we ignoring the true 3 core competencies?
Competencies – are they dead? Are competencies and how HR (and managers/ professional bodies) often relate to them irrelevant in today's business world? Do we actively ignore true core competencies?I was at a training workshop recently, and the trainer was talking about competencies. He was talking about the fact that the core competencies had changed in that profession. That new course materials were being developed all the time to ensure. We see this is every profession and industry. … [Read more...] about Competencies – are they dead? Or are we ignoring the true 3 core competencies?
Why can’t people follow instructions? #changemanagement #HRblog
Why can't people follow instructions? Or maybe more accurately why won't people follow instructions?I run an online community group and peoples inability to follow instructions cause a problem recently. It got me thinking about how we implement change, and why change management programs and initiatives often fail to meet expectations.In the worlds of project management, software updates and software deployment (CRM, ERP etc), training and in fact any change management situation where we … [Read more...] about Why can’t people follow instructions? #changemanagement #HRblog
10 steps to building relationships for effective change management
In this article, I will share my 10 steps to building relationships for effective change management. 10 Tips for building lasting business relationships and making change management more effective.Go back 10 years and change management was more about conformance, tracking technical changes and processes. Thank goodness that has changed.Today Change Management is more about preparing the people in the organisation for the change. Working with the psychology of change and … [Read more...] about 10 steps to building relationships for effective change management
What is persona mapping in change management?
What is persona mapping in change management? We can use Persona mapping to help understand the needs and wants of a target audience or market. Persona maps can ensure we meet the needs of our stakeholders. A Persona map is a fictional character. At the same time, it needs to be a realistic profile of our target customer. They reflect characteristics like job or role title, personal attributes, goals, motivations, attitudes etc.For any given product or service there … [Read more...] about What is persona mapping in change management?
Innovation, the first step – dare, change, take a risk
Innovation is about the first step Innovation is the buzzword of the late naughties, but what does it mean?"Innovation is the act of introducing something new"Often we focus on the act of creating, indeed many training and development programmes look to developing creativity in order to create innovative cultures. Is this right?Innovation can mean two very different things, I suspect that often we confuse the two. many organizations take innovation to be something to do with product … [Read more...] about Innovation, the first step – dare, change, take a risk
Action Learning Sets
Action Learning & Action Learning Sets - Reg Revans Introduction to Action learning So what is Action Learning? A definition of Action Learning What are Action Learning Sets? Who is in one? A 'Set' Meeting Action Learning Projects Participating in an Action Learning Set Structuring your timeIntroduction to Action Learning and Action Learning Sets What are action learning sets? When devising a management development programme (or leadership programme), it is important to … [Read more...] about Action Learning Sets
Training and educational resources
The team at RapidBI are often developing resources, often these are put up as pages on our site, other times they are turned into downloadable products.If you are looking for PowerPoint resources for management or leadership training or coaching then look at our powerpoint set.If you are involved in team development then our card and communication exercise may well hit the mark.Remember you can also download and start using our Employee Engagement Survey or our Business Diagnostic … [Read more...] about Training and educational resources
2020 leadership – 4 steps to sustainable success for organizations
We cannot ignore the need for 2020 Leadership in our organizations. I have seen many discussions on HR and training forums about the needs of leaders and managers. These talk about leadership development and talent. As a result of my research recently, I have noticed that practitioners often talk about the contents of training. The style of the delivery. And importantly how cheap and quick we do this.Ignoring the fact that you cannot have high quality training that is quick and cheap. (I … [Read more...] about 2020 leadership – 4 steps to sustainable success for organizations
Starting change from the bottom – or without support from the top
Starting change from the bottom - or without support from the topOn a change management forum recently I come across this interesting post:Does anyone have any comments or experience about how it is possible to change the culture within a department without support from the top? In fact the very top may actually be part, in no way all of, the cultural problem. Cultural issues have been identified such as fear of top, lack of innovation, mistrust, low motivation, negativity … [Read more...] about Starting change from the bottom – or without support from the top
Entrepreneurial Innovation – Fad or key to success?
Entrepreneurial Innovation - Fad or key to success? The world economy is changing… are we reacting fast enough?For many entrepreneurs innovation is just not happening fast enough according to recent articles and research from Boston Consulting Group’s annual study on innovation. Many organisations know that in order to survive and then to grow they need to innovate. In recent years the focus of innovation has been on creativity and the innovative process, but the lack of results show that … [Read more...] about Entrepreneurial Innovation – Fad or key to success?
Black Swan events – or unknown unknowns
Black Swan events - or unknown unknowns #BlackSwan #InnovationIt was once believed that all swans were white, because until that time the only swans had been seen (northern hemisphere) were white. It was believed that all swans were white and that black (or any other colour) could not exist.The belief was destroyed when a Black Swan was discovered in Australia. Hence the term “Black Swan” became used for unpredictable or unforeseen events - the unknown unknowns...As the changes … [Read more...] about Black Swan events – or unknown unknowns
Developing the developers – CPD for trainers
Developing the developers - CPD for trainers Training our Trainers The results of the developing the developers survey shows us some of the learning and development priorities in terms of continuous professional development - CPD for trainers.Box quote.. ” If I don't know I don't know I think I know If I don't know I know I think I don't know Laing R D (1970) KnotsHarmondsworth; Penguin (p.55)” Roles of trainers There are in effect two primary roles in learning and … [Read more...] about Developing the developers – CPD for trainers
Developing a team and managing change
So how do you go about Developing a team and managing change? What are the key steps?Today we received a request: “I need some ideas and help please. I need to run a simple first team meeting within the start up division I am employed. There are 20 people in the division, and all have been employed no more than 6 months. Usual growing pains and fall outs and frustrations of no one quite sure what they are doing. Do you have any ideas?”Our reply to this request was…It all depends … [Read more...] about Developing a team and managing change
Why change management often fails to deliver management expectations
Why do most change management initiatives fail? Many of us are involved in change management and yet we often do not learn from previous mistakes as to why change management often fails to deliver. Change happens but we often fail to deliver management expectations.Over the past 15 years The RapidBI team have researched and investigated the reasons why many organizational change and improvement initiatives fail to deliver bottom line results. Indeed many change and improvement initiatives … [Read more...] about Why change management often fails to deliver management expectations
Change Management and Change Management Models
Introduction to Change, change management and change management models For any organizational development (OD) intervention to be effective, change needs to be lead or at the very least managed.Many organizations focus on the project management aspects of change. While this is an important factor - it is not the critical factor. People are. Having said that, it is about balancing the development or change of both at the same time - see our business growth model.Often when … [Read more...] about Change Management and Change Management Models
When is a DeepDive not a Deep Dive
So When is a deepdive not a deep dive? It is interesting how the use for a name in a given field changes over time. Or to be more realistic how a sexy name for an interesting subject gets hijacked by others without really understanding or respecting difference?In innovation, marketing and management the term Deep Dive was a methodology originally made popular by Ideo. It was a brainstorming or idea creation methodology.Then came along Stanford with their DeepDive ( … [Read more...] about When is a DeepDive not a Deep Dive
HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Introduction to One Word HR Trends SurveyWhat is the One word HR trends survey 2016? Early in 2015 we ran a simple survey among HR professionals. They were given 10 topics and asked for one word which represented there understanding or meaning for that word or phrase. This produced some interesting results. So twelve months on I thought we could repeat the process. The results are fascinating. In the first survey we had just over 500 responses, in this later version we had just under 400 … [Read more...] about HR trends survey 2016 in just one word #hrblog #cipd #oneword
Goodbye Change Management Hello Navigating Flux
Can we really say Goodbye Change Management Hello Navigating Flux? In this piece we will look at the The 3 new competencies of success in modern business and society.In the last 10 years there has been a lot written and spoken about change and change management. The fact that change is here and here to stay is understood. What is less recognised and accepted is that “change” implies a process. A change from state a to state b. From one stable state to another. It is time to say goodbye … [Read more...] about Goodbye Change Management Hello Navigating Flux